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Anjaan 720p in download torrentAnjaan is a Bollywood film released in 2005 by director Shoojit Sircar. The film features Shefali Shah, who won the Filmfare Award for her performance as Anjaan, the mentally disturbed woman who appears to be an old woman. The film also stars Kumar Sanu and Sapna Choudhary. It was produced by Firoz Nazeer under his production company, Firoza Productions.

So what does it mean to "download torrent"? Torrenting is a way of downloading large files over the internet using peer-to-peer file sharing protocols without central servers or membership fees. Files are broken up into small pieces which are shared among the users who request the file. These files are then reassembled at the destination.

Torrents cannot be copyrighted, but their use can be regulated by law. Some believe that it reduces the income of artists, producers and creators, but the film industry has not come out with an official statement against torrenting yet.

Torrenting is common among broadband internet users looking for ways to download files off BitTorrent trackers. It is estimated that downloads using BitTorrent increased by 400% in 2007 according to the latest figures from comScore Media Metrix, compared to 2006.

Utilizing services such as BitTorrent to download video torrents can be a viable alternative to using expensive, high-bandwidth services like Digital Rights Management (DRM) or Windows Media Connect (WMC). Users can also use BitTorrent to share files. Many people use it to distribute large media files, like the music album "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd or videos of television shows like South Park.

However, some rights holders do not allow their material to be distributed through BitTorrent for profit-making purposes. For example, The Beatles will not allow their album Revolver to be distributed through BitTorrent because it would make profit off of the band's intellectual property.

A persistent concern among copyright holders is that users of BitTorrent trackers will be able to download multiple copies of a "pirate" DVD or music album, which would reduce the number of people who would purchase it. In early 2006, the Music Industry Piracy Investigations Committee reported that BitTorrent downloads have been responsible for the illegal distribution of over 11 million copies of copyrighted material in 2006. Copyright holders have therefore adopted a variety of strategies to combat piracy through these networks.

The very nature of peer-to-peer file sharing places no restrictions on downloading, copying or distributing copyrighted material in comparison with other online file sharing technologies such as eDonkey2000 and KaZaA. Apart from this, the use of private BitTorrent trackers allows copyright holders to maintain control over their intellectual property. This can be seen by the recent controversy surrounding YouTube, where record labels are forced to rely on unauthorized third-party sites to police their content.

Downloading copyrighted material through BitTorrent is legal in many countries, however it is subject to several limitations. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) is enforced by the United States recording industry and its implementation in other countries throughout the world.



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